Thursday, April 8, 2010

Unfeeling can sometimes be a good thing!

I got to thinking last night as I watched a couple of my scabs pull this way & that, that sometimes its truly a blessing to not have feeling in my new foobs right now! I'm still having LOTS of trouble w/ that tissue on the right side & the incision line. The tissue's scab is hanging on by what seems to be a thread. I took a shower to make sure it was clean last night & as the water poured over it (moving it slightly) I was profoundly glad I can't feel it! You know how scabs that are just barely hanging in there feel - right? They feel AWFUL! However, except for some shooting pains occasionally, I can't feel my foobs. I can feel pressure on my rib cage & muscles, but otherwise, its not even like the feeling you get at the dentist's office. Its the complete absence of feeling - not numbness - if that makes sense. Right now I think its probably a blessing! :-D

The kids are still snotty (both behavior & noses)! ;-) It seems Rachel's skin is improving, but her nose & cough are not. Poor thing. I put her to bed early tonight b/c she just seemed so miserable. Simon's still hanging in there. He's really trying to feel better - even to the point of saying "feel better" to himself. He's also gotten *really* good at blowing his nose! It was so funny today... We were at mom's w/ Abby, Sarah, & Lukas. Abby was playing house w/ Simon & Sarah - Simon was the daddy and Sarah was the baby (she'll actually lay down & take a 'nap' for Abby). Both Abby & Simon have play cell phones. So Abby 'called' Simon and asked him what he wanted for supper. Simon's answer was "pork chops" w/o prompting at all! Mom & I just looked at each other & giggled. So guess what I made tonight??? Pork chops! :-D

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Smiling already at 2 weeks

Smiling already at 2 weeks
Rachel has been smiling as a response to other people since day one.

And two shall become one...

And two shall become one...
In 2006, Andrew & I became one before God and family! Shortly thereafter we became 3 with the birth of Simon in 2008... Then 4 with the addition of Rachel in 2009!

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